Fetch in 50 in the Sunshine State… A Short Story in Reciprocity.

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Location:  Mexico Beach, FL.


It’s a quiet Monday morning on the Florida panhandle as Fetch in 50 rolls into town.  Fetch conditions are pristine:  the gulf, still.  Sun, mild.  The beach, nearly empty.  A solo seal and pod of dolphins frolic offshore as fishermen line the coast.

As we pull off-road to check the dog beach rules (suggestions for poorly-trained dogs really), we discover that Mexico Beach is a no-go.  Gulf Bay though (ten feet to my left, literally) is a green light, on leash of course.  So we head eastbound, where 30 seconds later, Gus is sans leash chasing his ball as if it’s the first time he’s laid eyes on it.

A short while later and a mile up the coastline, I strike up a conversation with a ponytailed man named Steve.  Steve, a dentist from Oklahoma, is lounging beachside with a book when Gus politely drops his dripping ball onto Steve’s bare foot.  His eyes say,  Maybe he wants to play too Dad!

What starts as a hi-and-bye turns into a 45-minute story-swap about our lives and slowly gravitates to the state of the world.   Ahhh my favorite….

Things kick into high gear after the following Q+A:

Steve:   Are you a student?
Me:   Of life, yes.

(Long pause ensues).

I proceed to tell him of Fetch in 50, that I’m en route to the Keys, and the blog I’m set to launch.

Steve:   So you got your degree in writing?
Me:   No, business actually. (Damnit, just as he was figuring me out.)
Steve:   You must be one heck of a writer then.
Me:   Not really.  I’m learning though.
Steve:   Well how do you do it?
Me:   I trust my voice.

This tidbit leads to the intimacy of my blog:  called Keepin’ it Light with the aim of spreading consciousness.  This, that, and the other.

By now, Steve’s eyes glow with intrigue.  His attention is all but in my side pocket, and he too, begins to open up.

Steve tells me of the week he just spent in Atlanta playing best man at his brother’s wedding.  The speech-giving part was a nerve-racking endeavor, but by the end, he felt comfortable, alive, and fulfilled having done it.  As a result, he had some of the best conversations with people as he’s had in a long time.

Coming off the high of his weekend, Steve presents his dilemma…

Steve:   I’m tired of seeing the world with a cynical eye.
Me:   Then don’t.  Keep it light.  Choose the good.   It’s there too.

(Steve gives me an it-can’t-be-that-easy type of look).

Side note:  I’ve known Steve for 30 minutes.  He’s sweet, sincere, and gentle.  Cynicism and Steve don’t go.  I see the Real Him.

His dilemma veers to its source.   The media, the economy, the president.   Steve feels cheated and discouraged.  One of those what-to-do, who-to-trust-anymore sort of deals.

Me:   I just send him love.
Steve:   What’s that you say?
Me:   Love.  I send the president love.
Steve:   Hmm…

(Insert longest pause yet).

Me:  (Thinking to myself)  Well, there it is.   I’ve put myself out there AND the nail in this convo.

(Several more silent seconds).

And then…

Steve:   What’s the name of your site again?

(I spell it out for him).

Steve:   Thanks for reminding me.   You’ve restored my faith in the world!


Light breeds light.

That last piece of me carried a tremendous amount of deliberation and angst before vocalizing.  It took some wherewithal and kahunas to finally let it rip. And that’s why I knew I had to deliver it.

And look what happened:  I opened up and Steve was blessed.  Steve opened up and I was blessed.

When you honor your True Self, through the willingness of being seen for all that you are, you make space for others to unveil their truth.  Welcome to the magic of the circle of Light!

Forget the perfectly polished delivery and let go of the end-reaction.  You’re not here to be flawless nor does anyone need you to be. You’re here to be your truth.

You need it.  I need it.  We need it.

Transparency and soul-based speaking.

That’s a good place to start.

own the glow


own your glow. like big time

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