The Art of Feeling Good (A Short Sendoff To The Spirit In You)


Thank you.

If you’ve made it this far in the Spiritual Key’s series, I commend you.  You’ve been willing and let go in so many ways.  If there’s any one thing the planet is in perpetual demand of, well, that’d be vulnerability – our willingness to be seen.  Your contribution is noted.

Now, let’s put a ribbon on this Series, shall we?

As mentioned in the opening address, the Keys, though broad in a certain right, are personal pillars; an umbrella so to speak. Beneath that umbrella is you.  Your spark.  Your flame.  Your fire.  A fire that need not a match because you hold its Light.

The grand takeaway to the Series?

Spirit is not only free, it’s portable.

If we limit when, where, to whom, or how our Insides soar, well, we have yet to, and won’t, experience the Infinite.  Our freedom lies in our expression. In our expression – our Spirit, that is – lies our freedom.

So what you’re saying is that “feeling good” doesn’t have a lid?

You got it!  But I must warn, since we’re human n’ all:  don’t take it too far.

What do you mean?

Stay disciplined.  I know, I know, rigid, right?  But, like the Keys, discipline is another layer for our foundation.  Spiritual energy is not loose energy.  Bonafide spirituality is grounded and reverent.  That word ‘discipline?’  All it means is being our own best ‘disciple.’  Cause we are.  Just think of it as your devotion in motion.  Simple enough.

As for the synopsis, let’s take it key by key…

Dare to consider information, people, ideas, and roads that don’t seem worth considering.

Dare to deliver your Divinity, rain or shine.

Dare to be the witness; the collector of clues.

Dare to intuitively operate NOW (and find that effin dog).

Dare to lay it down – your helmet, your toil, your fears.

With a helicopter view of it all, you can see how the Keys work together, right?  They are a team and a unit.  A potent one at that.

As I send this thing off, I’m flirting with some sort of curation and expansion of the Series as a whole.  An e-book?  A workbook?  I’m not quite sure yet.  All I know is there is plenty more to share.  More wisdom.  More stories.  More everything.

Thanks again for playing the game.
