The Fifth Spiritual Key: Detachment (aka Red Wine O’Clock )


Before introducing the final key, let’s take a direct flight to the white elephant in the room.

You mean “how can there possibly be a key post-action?”  That white elephant?!

My you are intuitive!  That, or a son-of-a-gun skeptic – (and those people aren’t fun) – either way, spot on indeed.

It’s true.  Detachment bookends the spiritual key shebang.  What willingness is to the starting block, detachment is to the finish line.  It is the nail in the spiritual key placard.

But why is detachment the last chapter?  That’s the big question.  And believe it or not, the answer is quite simple.

The action you take is only as good as the space you make.

You’re not gonna one-line your way out of this one buddy!!!  You just told us to take action!

Feistiness, I like that out of you.  I accept that as a zeal to learn.  And you are correct, I did advise you to show up in the world.  So, let’s nix the chitchat, and get down to business, shall we?

For the most part, humans know how to take action.  Despite our title of “beings,” we’re far better at the “doing” part.  Our engagement via outward activity is our imposition to production, purpose, and “fulfillment”:  to-do lists, jam-packed calendars, a little more here, try harder there, you know, the works.  And it is work.

Many a human participate in this race, this climb, this “go,” what have you:  sweat, blood, and tears included.  Sure, we all need some grit and grind at times, but remember, these are the Spiritual Keys.  I paint this picture as a reminder:  that our action remains guided, soul-based if you will.

As for our talking point today, the part we forget and often disregard, is the completion to not only action, but the Spiritual Keys series in its entirety:  letting go.

Detachment – the follow through, the Let Go and Let God (good) method, the Loose Grip theory, red wine o’clock.

Your naivety is very cute, Mr. K.LITE. 

Is that right?

I hate to break it to you, but the “real world” doesn’t run on Pollyanna. 

I know… it runs on Dunkin.’

Just kidding.  I’m quite aware of the deviance my words tend to be.  Society likes results, right?  Go-mode represents control (talk about a cute thought).  “Busy” gets beatified, worshipped even.  Like so…

(Jim runs into Debbie at the water cooler).  Hey Jim, how was your weekend?  Oh Debbie, I was soooooooo busy.  You have no idea!  (Jim is proud of this.  And Debbie does have an idea because Jim just told her).  Man oh man, me too Jim.  (Debbie, she’s twice as proud, because in her mind, she was twice as busy).  “Good” busy I hope Deb?  Don’t you know it Jim!  (Conversation ends.  Congressional Medals of Honor received).

Now, I will break things to you.

Enlightened Decree #29:  The “real world” lies Within.

Always has, always will.  So stay there!  Its acceptance, sooner hopefully than later, is pivotal to detachment.  Like a famed Barry Obama campaign speech, “Now is the time” to let go; to seal the deal with all the trust you can radiate.

So what you’re saying is for us to quit?

Wowza, that’s what you got out of that?  I really need to work on my delivery.  How about this?

Through willingness, you’ve flung doors open.
And presence, you’ve delivered the Keynote.
From awareness, you’ve pieced the puzzle.
And action, you’ve stood in the arena.
Now lay your helmet down.
And fully.

“Surrender is faith that the power of love can accomplish anything even when you cannot foresee the outcome.”  – Deepak Chopra

Thanks Dee.

You see, detachment is like the opening of a fine bottle of red wine.

I’m listening…

Before indulging in its riches, what is the last thing you do?

Eat a brick of cheese?

Close, but not quite.

Let it breathe?

Nailed it!  You may not be able to physically see the wine bettering, but that doesn’t mean the taste doesn’t improve.  Detachment works the same way.

Our sacred duty, well, it loves and needs breathing room.  When we cease the need to control the end result, victory is certain.  Because we feel good.  Why?  Because we’re free.

If Tom Brady didn’t let go of the football, it would end up at his feet.
If Adele held on to her Note, she’d sing at coffee shops, not stadiums.
If Benny ‘the Jet’ Rodriquez didn’t tell Scotty Smalls to let go of the baseball when teaching him to throw, we’d live in a world where Sandlot didn’t exist.  (And honestly, I’m just not willing to live in that world).

Remember when you were a kid, and riding bikes (not SnapChat) was considered cool (because it was)?  Well, if you wanted to ride hands-free like the other kids in the neighborhood, what must you learn to do?

Let go of the handlebars?


Detachment is the icing on the cake.  Your hands are like your mind.  It can liberate you without a single movement.  Cause guess what?  Even though you’ve let go, it doesn’t mean you’ve stopped pedaling.  Sure you might scrape your elbow, but if you hold on forever, you voluntarily remove yourself from a whole lotta epic Life Magic.  Simple magic at that.  Trust me when I say that our intellect (and action alone) can NOT manufacture, calculate, control, manipulate, or comprehend the scope and magnitude of what’s possible for you or anyone on this planet.

When it’s time to act, it’s time to act.
When it’s time to let go, it’s time to let go.
Right now is for the latter.

Because the end-all isn’t a spiritual life.
It’s a free life.


Now that deserves a medal.
