How to Take Action Today: Spiritual Key #4 (the Art of Feeling Good)

Quick pointers to stimulate instant action:

1.  Make a pact to act now.

Not tomorrow.  Not next Thursday.  Not such n’ such date because the weather will be better or the kids will be back in school or it just seems to be the “perfect” time.  I said now dammit!

How so?

Take the Youniversal instruction you’ve received and show up in the world with conviction and without hesitation.  (And yes, I need to practice this too).

Is there a Divine Timing to everything?  I think so.  But there’s no timing at all when you, like Billy says, “sit on the porch like a goon and wait.”  Proactivity is part of Divine Timing.

I find a simple way to develop this skill is through the “Why Not Now?” game.  It goes like this…

Being guided to buy and read that book?
Why not read it now?

Want to join a new gym or take that class?
Why not sign up now?

Dying to connect with an old friend?
Why not call them now?

Have a story eager to burst out of you?
Why not write it now?

Feel like seeing that movie?
Why not go now?

Want to learn Spanish?
Why not learn now?

This isn’t to say there won’t be times when you don’t have a legit reason for not following through.  Life does occasionally get in the way.

The purpose of the game, however, is to surface any and all excuses being made and ensuring they don’t outweigh the love, light, and original inspiration backing the activity.  If they do, it’s time to look in the mirror and reevaluate.

Remember, the future isn’t real.  The present moment is the only starting line.   And “Why Not Now?” is a great way to get the ball rolling.

2.  Stop thinking.

Our mind can be a great ally or our worst enemy.  And 99% of what goes through our head each day just doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.

On the flip side, the power and validity we give those thoughts can be the difference between liberation and paralysis, light and darkness, love and illusion.  (And trust me, there’s a whole lot of illusion floating around on this planet right now).

At some point in the next week, pay attention to your thoughts and subsequently jot down the ten most frequent beliefs about yourself (or life in general).  There’s typically a pattern.  What do they tell you?  Then, how can I redirect this thought?  And, how is it affecting my movement?

(Side note:  these exercises are futile without total self-accountability and willingness – our best friend.  Manipulating the game to keep believing what you’re already believing (you know who you are) because it’s the only way you think you’re going to be acknowledged and understood and feel “right,” like ever, well, you’ll need a third-party to shake you out of your shit.  Illusions are quite real and even more addicting.  And I’m not talking about magic.)

2B.  I’m talking about…

… that four-letter word that can stop a juggernaut in its tracks – FEAR.  You know, the gasoline that CNN runs on and human beings can’t help but binge-inhale, believe, and regurgitate.  I mean, if it’s on TV, right…?

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

This isn’t a manifesto on fearlessness.  I would never.  The fear I’m riffin’ on is self-induced.  I’m talking about the junk that flattens our tires and curtails the mission at hand – all of which is a by-product of getting stuck in our head.

Other hindrances?  Overpreparation, research (guilty!), and attachment to time.  Divine timing isn’t perfect timing, it’s purposeful timing, by the way.

In the words of the 90’s-pop band En Vogue, “Free yo mind, and the rest will follow.”

Hot damn that song’s fresh.

3.  Stay inspired, but don’t depend on it.

Just as our bodies need maintenance through rest, healthy eating habits, and exercise, so too do our spirits.  And in a bad-news-delivered-quick world, it’s easy to get distracted by the heaviness of society.

Now more than ever, we must make it a priority to nourish our Spark.  If you feel a lack of giddy or a decrease in Light, retaliate with some HEARTfelt activity to get you back in the groove (mine is a good travel magazine).

There’s a popular adage in writing circles: “Seat of the pants to seat of the chair.”  Translation?  Waiting for inspiration to strike is fool’s gold. The more you move, the more you open yourself up to that next Divine Idea.

If you do, your inspiration might just go from lightning strikes to a perpetual lightning storm.

“What saves a man is to take a step.  Then another step.”  –Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

hi there
4.  Glow, glow, glow.

How you show up to the job is up to you… PERIOD.

So, why not be enthusiastic about it?

To the ancient Greeks enthusiasm meant “the glow of the god within.”

I’ll drink to that.

5.  Support others with their vision.

And help my competitors?!?!

You betcha.  Competition is an outdated model.

You’re joking.

Sure not.

Today is an age of circuitous creation.  It operates on the “the more you give, the more you get” model.  Plus it feels good.  (The giving must be genuine though).

So what do I do?

Encourage, root on, and cheer for your neighbor’s welfare.  If the guy in front of you at the gas station is buying a lotto ticket, bless him in his Victory.  As much as you want it for yourself, do so for the world too.

I’m not sure I can do that.

You can, but are you willing?

In doing so, you’ll realize your neighbor’s success has no infringement upon yours.  Why?  Cause the planet is an oasis of riches.  That, and jealousy is terminal.  Not to mention plain ole ugly.

Bless the world and bless yourself.

6.  Continue the Pursuit.

Regarding ACTION, be the following…

Determined, persistent, ADAMANT, insistent, relentless, tenacious, STEADFAST, intentional, wholeHEARTED, undeflateable, impassioned, and unshakeably dogged on the quest to your Spirit in Action.


‘Tis the Art of Feeling Good.

(mic drop)

hi there