The Fourth Spiritual Key: Action (aka the Billy Madison Guide to Motion)


The table is set and the precursors are complete:

You’re willing.
You’re present.
You’re paying attention.

So what’s next?


hi there
I still don’t get why this isn’t the first Spiritual Key.

Action as a launching pad can and does most definitely work.  I won’t argue that.  We all encounter those stuck states and blah days when getting out and simply moving (no matter what it is) is the best remedy and a bridge to the other side (remember this blog?).

Realize it or not though, you’ve been acting this entire time by following Spiritual Keys 1-3.  Each key is an act in and of itself.  Now am I correct or am I correct?

You’re correct!  So let’s make things right and put a big, bold #1 next to it.

Sorry, can’t do it.  Won’t do it.  Action works best when guided.  Its home will remain in the fourth slot.

Take buying a plane ticket for example.  After choosing the airline, the flight, and entering your credit card information, what if the final question to complete the purchase asked:

Mr. or Mrs. So N’ So, do you prefer…

1. A non-stop, turbulence-free flight with a window/aisle seat (and the possibility of a free first-class upgrade) that arrives 20 minutes early.


2.   A two-layover, so-bumpy-you-get-airsick flight with a middle seat in the non-reclineable last row between a drunk and crying triplets that lands three hours late.

I thought so.

Both routes may get you to the same destination, but wouldn’t you prefer the graceful, grounded, and efficient path to your Victory?  I’ll go out on a limb and assume your ‘yes.’

Spiritual Key #4 is about action of the divine kind, not the run-around-from-one-place-to-the-next-with-little-to-no-breathing-like-a-chicken-with-its-head-cut-off action.  There are enough humans doing that already.  It’s a flow thing really.

Action – the process or state of acting or being active; something done or performed;  act;  deed.

K.LITE facelift:

Action – the process or state of (intuitively) acting or being active;  something done or performed with purpose, giddy, and timing;  the show-up;  the divine dance;  Operation:  Code Led.

hi there you
Here’s your acronym:
light on time

A.C.T.I.O.N. = A Call To Intuitively Operate Now

SK#4’s raison d’être is that it’s on behalf of a Higher Purpose.  It’s action with backbone.  You’re not operating for the sake of operating; you’re operating from a Willing, Present, and Aware space because as a child of the stars you deserve to Feel Good.

Is this like following our destiny?

To a degree, yes.

Oh neat!  “When destiny calls” – that’ll be my mantra!

That could work….

You don’t approve?

No, it’s not that.  “When destiny calls” is a beautiful phrase epitomizing Divine Timing.  It needs no defense, that is for sure.  I’m hesitant because there’s a repetitive misconception it tends to unconsciously piggyback on.

Which is?

That so-called “destiny” will be calling no matter what.

It won’t?

It will, but only if ACTION is taken along the way.  You can’t dillydally around expecting destiny to call if you’re not actively and consistently nurturing the desired idea.  A synergy must form whereby you dream BIG AND act BIG. Possibly even act BIGGER.

Keep in mind, energy funds energy.  Momentum must be built (remember this blog too?).  It’s the law.  The more you show up, the more palpable the dream and the stronger the imprint on the destiny of your choice.

But destiny is predetermined.  We can’t alter it.

Can I ask you a favor?

Of course.

That definitive declaration you just uttered, take it with a grain of salt please – coarse salt.  Possibly a brick of salt if you can find it.

Destiny is predetermined in direct association with how you exercise your gift of Free Will.  If it didn’t take that into account – the fact that we get to choose what we do and how we ACT each and every day – then no one would do a damn thing because destiny is happening regardless.  That, or Free Will wouldn’t exist to begin with, right?

You really like this free will shit, don’t you bro? 

You’re damn right I do.

There’s no secret recipe to taking action.  It’s a self-taught art you learn as you go.  Honestly, most humans know how to act.  But deliberate, conscious action?  I think we’d all agree that humanity could use some work in that department.  That’s why it’s an art, not just motion.

If you truly desire something and it’s in alignment with Who You Are, more likely than not, you’re going to make it happen.  PERIOD.  It’s the “you want it, go get it” mentality.

“Action expresses priorities”
hi there light guy an–Gandhi

Thanks Bapu.

Be sure to bring your spiritual toolkit with you though.  Just because you’re physically taking steps now, doesn’t mean abandoning the foundational principals.  They feed off one another and are crucial to blazing your trail.  As you keep showing up, let them travel with you.

Remember, the promptings are only as good as what you do with them.  You wouldn’t let a winning lottery ticket sit in your drawer until it expired, would you?  No, you’d sprint to your car and cash it in as fast as you can.

Thanks Billy.

No matter what you’re guided to do, now is the time to walk, run, or fly from here to there.  You’ve done the homework.  Now take a step.

You know where to go.